I like puzzles, so I’ve decided to include an occasional teaser in this blog. This first one was presented at school to my daughter’s eight year old niece but caused widespread bafflement among older readers.
I’m looking for a fraction where the numerator differs from the denominator by 19. The fraction must be greater than ⅛ but less than ¼.
The first person to post a correct answer as a comment on this post is entitled to a Profex book of their choice, delivered free of charge anywhere in the world.
You can get two Profex books of your choice if you give me the complete list (not a very long list) of possible answers.
This is much easier than many of the questions you will meet in your exam. At least there is a definite answer!
The fraction is 3/16. Hope this is the right answer!
So sorry, but this is not one of the correct answers. Your numerator and denominator differ by 13 rather than 19. You are welcome to try again!
Hello Laurence,
Of cos you are indeed right.The difference between numerator and denominator is 13.I misread the question.I dnt know why I had 13 in my mind when I was doing the calculation.
If the difference between numerator and denominator is 19 and the fraction between 1/4 and 1/8…I believe its 1/20 based on the condition of fraction value difference of 19.
Hope my answer is right this time..I am desperate to get one of you guys books for my exams.
Thank you
Hello Laurence,
Just noticed my comment has been unduly removed.I will like to know the reason why it was removed. Thank you
Hi Laurence,
The possible answers are:
1. 3/22
2. 4/23
3. 5/24
4. 6/25
Many Thanks,
Rekha Pande
Congratulations Rekha. These are indeed the complete set of correct answers. Your two books will arrive with you very soon.
Many thanks to others who participated. Sadly, there can be only one winner. Do try again next time I post one of these teasers.
Thank you so much Laurence! Received my 2 books today. So delighted. Will crack on reading them today.
Look forward to seeing more CIPS multiple choice questions here.
Many thanks for trying Anesu. This is indeed one of the possible correct answers, but unfortunately you were just beaten to it by an earlier post.