Our products for Level 4

For Diploma Level (Level 4) we publish a Study Pack for each module. A Profex Study Pack comprises a comprehensive Study Text covering all aspects of the syllabus, as well as a small-format volume of PassNotes. Each Study Pack is priced at £34 plus post and packaging.

Key features of the Study Packs:

  • Comprehensive coverage of the exam syllabus. We review the official CIPS Study Guides to ensure that anything covered by CIPS is also covered by us (unless the topic is definitely not on the syllabus – and bear in mind that the official publications frequently cover topics that are not on the syllabus).
  • Short chapters, ending with a chapter summary and self-test questions to reinforce your learning.
  • A final chapter containing a generous collection of exam-standard questions, in the format of the real exam, and with solutions and feedback prepared by Profex.
  • The invaluable and ever popular PassNotes – a pocket-sized study and revision aid for reading on the move.

All Centres adopting Profex texts for a module at Level 4 (and indeed at Levels 2 and 3 as well) will receive free tutorial resources in the form of very comprehensive PowerPoint slides (mostly more than 300 per module) and Objective Response questions with solutions and feedback.

Click here to order your Study Packs. And good luck in your exams!

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