Revisions to the Level 4 exam syllabus

CIPS have recently announced some changes to the exam syllabus. The changes are very minor and affect only the Level 4 modules. Modules at Levels 2, 3, 5 and 6 are unchanged.

For the eight modules at Level 4 Profex will be publishing new editions in the coming weeks (September and October 2023).

  • If you are taking exams in November 2023 you can use either the current editions, or the new editions when they appear. CIPS have advised that, for each module, the November exams will test only material that is included in the current syllabus. Any topics added to the syllabus for a particular module as part of the revisions will NOT be tested in November.
  • If you plan to attempt the exams in sittings later than November 2023 you MUST use the new editions. Profex will be discontinuing the current editions at the end of October.

For the new editions of Profex books, the publication schedule is as follows:

  • September 2023: new editions for modules L4M1, M2, M3, M5, M6, M7
  • Mid-October 2023: new editions for modules L4M4, L4M8

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